
Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor at KAIST EE

Ph.D. (2018) MIT
S.M. (2014) MIT
B.S. (2012) Seoul National University

[Email] heejin dot ahn at kaist dot ac dot kr


Minhee Kang

Post doc

ministop at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Road safety for CAVs with AI and V2X system

[Website] link 

Hyeontae Sung


hyeontae dot sung at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Safe Optimal Control for Autonomous Systems 

Graduate Students

Yoojin Choi

Ph.D. Student

choi369j at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Control Systems for Multi-Agent Coordination 

Hyunchul Bae

Ph.D. Student

bhc2675 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
V2X Collaborative Perception

[Website] link 

Eunseo Choi

Ph.D. Student

ces302 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Model Confidence for Robust Learning-Based Control

Bοn Jае Сhοе

M.S. Student

bοnјае at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Route Optimization with Reinforcement Learning

[Website] link

Sein Lee

M.S. Student

gakscoriora1 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Optimal Control for Multi-Agent Systems

Eunjae Lee

M.S. Student

eunjae dot lee at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Reinforcement Learning for Vehicle Coordination

Kangyeon Kim

M.S. Student

kky3528 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Safe Learning-Based Control

Jehyeop Han

M.S. Student

jehyeophan at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Sensor Selection

Nayeon Jung

M.S. Student

jungny at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Optimal Control for Multi-Agent Systems

Junyoung Park

M.S. Student

junyoung766 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
Safety Guaranteed Control

Minwoo Song

M.S. Student

haestle1 at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]

Hyeongchan Ham

M.S. Student

hyeongchan.ham at kaist dot ac dot kr

[Research Interest]
AI safety
