underlined: CIS members
Hyunchul Bae, Minhee Kang, and Heejin Ahn, "ParCon: Noise-Robust Collaborative Perception via Multi-module Parallel Connection," Under Review. [link]
Eunjae Lee, Minhee Kang, Yoojin Choi, and Heejin Ahn, "A GPT-based Decision Transformer for Multi-Vehicle Coordination at Unsignalized Intersections," Under Review. [link]
underlined: CIS members
Kai Ren, Colin Chen, Hyeontae Sung, Heejin Ahn*, Ian Mitchell, and Maryam Kamgarpour, "Recursively Feasible Chance-constrained Model Predictive Control under Gaussian Mixture Model Uncertainty," Early Access. [link]
Y. Wang, E. Hansen, and H. Ahn, "Hierarchical planning for autonomous parking in dynamic environments," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1386-1398, July 2024. [link]
K. Ren, H. Ahn, and M. Kamgarpour, "Chance-constrained trajectory planning with multimodal environmental uncertainty," IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 13-18, June 2022. (Presented at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control) [link]
Y. Ma, J. Guo, Y. Wang, A. Chakrabarty, H. Ahn, P. Orlik, and C. Lu, “Optimal dynamic transmission scheduling for wireless networked control systems,” vol. 30, no. 6, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Jan. 2022. [link]
H. Ahn, C. Chen, I. M. Mitchell, and M. Kamgarpour, "Safe motion planning against multimodal distributions based on a scenario approach," IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol.6, pp. 1142-1147, June 2021. (Presented at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control) [link]
H. Ahn, K. Berntorp, P. Inani, A. Ram, and S. Di Cairano, "Reachability-based decision making for autonomous driving: Theory and experiment," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1907-1921, Sep. 2021. [link]
H. Ahn and A. Colombo, "Abstraction-based safety verification and control of cooperative vehicles at road intersections," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 4061-4074, Oct. 2020. [link]
H. Ahn, A. Rizzi, and A. Colombo, "Robust supervisors for intersection collision avoidance in the presence of legacy vehicles," International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp.384–393, Feb. 2020. [link]
H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio, "Safety verification and control for collision avoidance at road intersections," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63, no. 3, pp.630–642, Mar. 2018. [link]
Y. Park, J. Lee, S. Jeon, H. Ahn, J. Koh, J. Ryu, M. Cho, and K. Cho, "Dual-stiffness structures with reconfiguring mechanism: Design and investigation," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 995–1010, May 2016. [link]
Conference Preceedings
underlined: CIS members
Beomjun Kim, Jaehwan Kim, Kangyeon Kim, Sunwoo Kim, Heejin Ahn, "A Computation-efficient Method of Measuring Dataset Quality based on the Coverage of the Dataset" In Proc. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2025.
Jongseok Kim, Seongil Kim, Duck-Su Lee, Heejin Ahn, and Ki-Bum Park, "MW-rated Induction Motor Control equipped with Fault-Ride-Through Capability for an Electric Propulsion Ship using Model Predictive Control," In Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2025. [link]
Hyunchul Bae, Minhee Kang, Minwoo Song, and Heejin Ahn, "Rethinking the Role of Infrastructure in Collaborative Perception," In Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW) [oral], Sep. 2024, [link]
Yoojin Choi, Minhee Kang, and Heejin Ahn, "Infrastructure-guided Optimal Spacing for Vehicles Approaching Intersections," In Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 2024. [link]
Beomjun Kim and Heejin Ahn, "Chance-Constrained Control with Imperfect Perception Modules," In Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), June 2023, pp. 2568-2573. [link]
H. Ahn, K. Berntorp, S. Di Cairano, "Cooperating modular goal selection and motion planning for autonomous driving," In Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Invited paper, Dec. 2020, pp. 3481-3486. [link]
G. Lee, J. Guo, K. Kim, P. Orlik, H. Ahn, S. Di Cairano, and W. Saad, "Edge computing for interconnected intersections in Internet of Vehicles," In Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Oct. 2020, pp. 480-486. [link]
H. Ahn and C. Danielson, "Moving horizon sensor selection for reducing communication costs in Internet of Vehicles," In Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), July 2019, pp. 1464–1469. [link]
F. Ye, J. Guo, K. Kim, P. Orlik, H. Ahn, S. Di Cairano, and M. Barth, "Bilevel optimal edge computing model for on-ramp merging in connected vehicle environment," In Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 2019, pp. 2005–2011. [link]
Y. Ma, J. Guo, Y. Wang, A. Chakrabarty, H. Ahn, P. Orlik, and C. Lu, "Optimal dynamic scheduling of wireless networked control systems," In Proc. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Apr. 2019, pp. 77–86. [link]
H. Ahn, K. Berntorp, and S. Di Cairano, "Reachability-based decision making for city driving," In Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), Invited paper, June 2018, pp. 3203–3208. [link]
L. Paull, J. Tani, H. Ahn, J. Alonso-Mora, L. Carlone, M. Cap, Y. Chen, C. Choi, J. Dusek, Y. Fang, D. Hoehener, S. Liu, M. Novitzky, I. Okuyama, J. Pazis, G. Rosman, V. Varricchio, H. Wang, D. Yershov, H. Zhao, M. Benjamin, C. Carr, M. Zuber, S. Karaman, E. Frazzoli, D. Del Vecchio, D. Rus, J. How, J. Leonard, A. Censi, “Duckietown: an Open, Inexpensive and Flexible Platform for Autonomy Education and Research,” In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), June 2017, pp. 1497-1504. [link]
H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio, "Semi-autonomous intersection collision avoidance through job-shop scheduling," In Proc. ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), Apr. 2016, pp. 185-194. [link]
H. Ahn, A. Rizzi, A. Colombo, and D. Del Vecchio, "Experimental testing of a semi-autonomous multi-vehicle collision avoidance algorithm at an intersection testbed," In Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Sep. 2015, pp. 4834-4839. [link]
H. Ahn, A. Colombo, and D. Del Vecchio, "Supervisory control for intersection collision avoidance in the presence of uncontrolled vehicles," In Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), June 2014, pp. 867-873. (Best Presentation in Session) [link]
underlined: CIS members
안희진, 배현철, 강민희, "협력 인식 모듈의 병렬적 연결에 기초하여 객체를 탐지하는 방법 및 장치", 대한민국, 출원번호: 10-2024-0163570, Nov. 15, 2024.
안희진, 최유진, 강민희, 김영기, "차량간 추천 간격 산출 방법 및 이를 수행하기 위한 컴퓨팅 장치", 대한민국, 출원번호: 10-2024-0163174, Nov. 15, 2024.
안희진, 배현철, 강민희, 송민우, "인프라 중심의 협동 인지 시스템을 통한 물체 탐지 정확도 증강 방법 및 시스템", 대한민국, 출원번호: 10-2024-0160273, Nov. 12, 2024.
J. Guo, G. Lee, K. Kim, P. Orlik, H. Ahn, and S. Di Cairano, "Adaptive control of vehicular traffic," U.S. Patent application publication, US11328589, WO2021153638, JP7334365, CN115004275, EP4097707, Jul. 29, 2021. [link]
H. Ahn and C. Danielson, "Receding horizon state estimator," US11124196, WO2021002475, JP7258233, CN114126944, EP3994626, Sep. 21, 2021. [link]
J. Guo, F. Ye, K. Kim, P. Orlik, H. Ahn, and S. Di Cairano, "Joint control of vehicles traveling on different intersecting roads," US11145197, WO2020183918, JP7214017, EP3776512. [link]
J. Guo, Y. Ma, Y. Wang, A. Chakrabarty, H. Ahn, and P. Orlik, "Network adapted control system," US10969767, WO2020141576, JP7199565, CN113227923, EP3906446, Apr. 6, 2021. [link]
S. Di Cairano, K. Berntorp, and H. Ahn, "System and method for safe decision making of autonomous vehicles," US10860023, WO2020003556, JP7150067, CN112292646, EP3610345, Dec. 8, 2020. [link]