CIS News
[Feb. 2025] Minwoo Song and Hyeongchan Ham join CIS.
[Nov. 2024] Prof. Ahn participates in the MIT EECS Academic Job Search Seminar as a panelist (invited by Prof. Saman Amarasinghe).
[Nov. 2024] Prof. Ahn gives a talk at the UNIST ME Colloquium.
[Nov. 2024] Prof. Ahn gives a talk at the DGIST EECS Colloquium.
[Sep. 2024] Prof. Ahn gives a tutorial talk at the 5th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference.
[Sep. 2024] Our paper "Safe Chance-constrained Model Predictive Control under Gaussian Mixture Model Uncertainty" is accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
[Sep. 2024] Our paper "Rethinking the Role of Infrastructure in Collaborative Perception" is accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW), Milan, Italy.
[Sep. 2024] Junyoung Park joins CIS.
[Aug. 2024] Prof. Ahn gives a keynote presentation entitled "Safety Guarantee in Learning-based Control" at the 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. [slides]
[Jul. 2024] Prof. Ahn receives the Outstanding Young Researcher Award at ICROS 2024.
[Jul. 2024] Congratulations! Hyeontae Sung, Kangyeon Kim, and Prof. Ahn receive the Best Paper Award at ICROS 2024.
[Jun. 2024] Prof. Ahn gives a keynote presentation entitled "Safe Autonomous Driving under Perception Uncertainties" at IEEE IV Symposium Workshop.
[Jun. 2024] Our paper "Infrastructure-guided Optimal Spacing for Vehicles Approaching Intersections" is accepted to the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV) Symposium, Jeju, Korea.
[Feb. 2024] Bοn Jае Сhοе, Kangyeon Kim, Nayeon Jung, and Jehyeop Han join CIS.
[Feb. 2024] Our paper "Hierarchical Planning for Autonomous Parking in Dynamic Environments" is accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
[Aug. 2023] Minhee Kang, Sein Lee, and Eunjae Lee join CIS.
[Jul. 2023] Our paper "Chance-Constrained Control with Imperfect Perception Modules" is accepted to the American Control Conference, San Diego, USA.
[Jun. 2023] Congratulations! Prof. Ahn receives the Outstanding Lecture Award for "EE202 Signals and Systems".
[Feb. 2023] Hyunchul Bae, Hyeontae Sung, and Eunseo Choi join CIS.
[Dec. 2022] Congratulations! Prof. Ahn receives the Outstanding Lecture Award for "EE688 Optimal Control Theory".
[Aug. 2022] Yoojin Choi joins CIS.
[Jul. 2022] Prof. Ahn starts CIS at KAIST, School of Electrical Engineering.